Enhance the efficiency and interactivity of your Tacx smart trainer. Synchronize the data between the devices connected to your Mac and the display providing ambience and views to accompany workouts and create an atmosphere for power and endurance training.
Tacx Desktop app 4.29.5 estava disponível para download no site do desenvolvedor quando verificamos. Não podemos garantir que haja um download gratuito disponível. O programa está dentro de Ferramentas do Sistema, na subcategoria Assistentes de Dispositivos. Tacx Desktop app foi originalmente feito por GARMIN Ltd.
Do desenvolvedor:
Tacx Desktop app provides you with a large high-quality interactive film collection and ride scenic routes from all over the globe. You are able to create and do workouts based on slope, power or FTP. The tool lets you sync your workouts and activities between devices. You can join the ride with live opponents. Everybody who is riding in the same course will show in the video or on the map.
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