Ultimate DVD Player

Control and configure the playback of DVD content
set. 02, 2024
3.0 em 1 voto
Áudio & VídeoPlayers
Roni Music
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Access the media content stored on a DVD and customize the playback settings. Adjust the speed, both sliding it down and increasing it in real-time, change the audio pitch by up to two semitones, and save the settings for future sessions or reset them at will.

Ultimate DVD Player 1.5.1 está disponível como um download gratuito na nossa biblioteca de programas. Ultimate DVD Player está dentro da categoria Áudio & Vídeo. O desenvolvedor do programa é Roni Music. O instalador do Ultimate DVD Player é chamado geralmente de udvdp.dmg. A versão mais popular do programa é 1.4.

Do desenvolvedor:

Ultimate DVD Player will playback DVD video discs and will allow you to change the speed (50% - 150%) and pitch (+/- 2 semitones). And yes, it will slow down the video as well. Great for checking out music DVD's! Also allows you to set loop points, bookmarks and many other usefull things.

Confira mais programas, tais como Aiseesoft DVD Software Toolkit for Mac, 4Videosoft Video Converter Ultimate for Mac ou 4Videosoft Mac Video Converter Ultimate, que podem ser relacionados a Ultimate DVD Player.

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