AtomicRobot Mr Memory Munch To-Do List
Licença:Shareware $10
Total de downloads:11
Latest version:1.0
AtomicRobot Mr Memory Munch To-Do List is an incredibly useful tool for organizing and managing to-do lists. With its ability to assign priority levels to each list, it makes it easy to prioritize tasks and ensure that nothing is overlooked. The ability to access and modify already generated notes is also a great feature, allowing users to quickly and easily make changes to their lists. Finally, the automatic saving of lists on the hard drive prevents data loss, giving users peace of mind that their lists are safe and secure. Overall, AtomicRobot Mr Memory Munch To-Do List is a great tool for keeping track of tasks and organizing your day.
Você pode baixar AtomicRobot Mr Memory Munch To-Do List 1.0 da nossa biblioteca de programas de graça. O software fica na subcategoria Mapa mental, que fica dentro de Ferramentas de Escritório. A versão mais popular do programa é 1.0.
O pacote de instalação mais recente disponível para download ocupa 2 MB no disco. Esse programa foi originalmente feito por Patric Harvey. Nossa análise feita pelo antivírus mostra que esse download está livre de vírus. O instalador do programa é chamado geralmente de mmunch.exe.
Do desenvolvedor:
A very simple yet effective To-Do List. Saves your list automatically to prevent information loss. Assigns a priority to each item, deletes an item, or edits an item. Very basic and simple by design! So easy to use!
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