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em 21 votos
Licença: Gratuito
Total de downloads:456
Sistema operacional:Windows XP/Vista/7
Latest version:6.138
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AuditionSEA is a great game for anyone who loves dancing and wants to compete for fame and attention. The game features a great character creation system, as well as an easy to understand dance session system that makes it easy to learn the moves. The game also features a great progress and status system, as well as a great way to interact with other dancers. Overall, AuditionSEA is a great game for anyone looking for a fun and challenging dancing experience.

AuditionSEA 6.138 pode ser baixado do nosso banco de dados de graça. As seguintes versões são as mais frequentemente baixadas pelos usuários do programa: 6.1 e 1.0. A versão mais recente do software pode ser baixada para computadores executando Windows XP/Vista/7 de 32-bit. Esse software foi originalmente feito por AsiaSoft Online. AuditionSEA está dentro da categoria Games. Os arquivos do instalador do programa são conhecidos como Audition.exe, Audition_6076to6077.exe ou Patcher.exe.

Do desenvolvedor:

AuditionSEA is a free-to-play 3D online dancing game that has everything to do with the latest fashion, great music and fancy dance moves!
Do not be beguiled by this game though – it is a game that requires the ultimate hand-and-eye coordination with requirements for the utmost concentration amidst the colorful flashing strobes.

Confira mais programas, tais como Audition ou Nancy Drew: Danger by Design, que podem ser similares a AuditionSEA.


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