Capture One PRO

Capture One PRO

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em 74 votos
Licença: Shareware $636.38
Total de downloads:17
Sistema operacional:Windows XP/8/10/7/11
Latest version:6.4.1
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Capture One PRO is an excellent image editing tool for photographers. It offers a wide range of features and options for editing photos, making it easy to adjust colors, add effects, crop, resize, and more. The software also provides a great way to manage large volumes of digital images, allowing for batch processing and uploads. Additionally, it supports a variety of RAW file formats and can convert them into standard formats. Overall, Capture One PRO is an excellent choice for photographers who want to quickly and easily edit their photos.

Capture One PRO 6.4.1 estava disponível para download no site do desenvolvedor quando verificamos. Não podemos garantir que haja um download gratuito disponível. Capture One PRO está dentro da categoria Fotos & Gráficos. O instalador do programa é chamado geralmente de CaptureOne.exe. Esse programa foi originalmente projetado por Phase One A/S. As versões mais baixadas do programa são 4.0 e 3.7.

Do desenvolvedor:

Capture One PRO is a RAW Workflow software designed for the professional digital photographer. The main reason why Capture One PRO is the perfect choice for high volume photography is that it is designed to handle many images at a time. On top of this, Phase One's RAW workflow is renowned for its excellent image quality.

Confira mais programas, tais como Document Capture Pro, Apowersoft Screen Capture Pro ou KODAK Capture Pro Software, que podem ser similares a Capture One PRO.


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