Disc Collection

Disc Collection

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em 58 votos
Licença: Shareware $19.99
Total de downloads:18
Sistema operacional:Windows XP/7/8/10/11
Latest version:2.7
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This is a great tool for organizing and keeping track of your disc collection. It allows you to store all the information you need, including titles, content lists, descriptions, cover images, notes, and file properties. You can easily sort and search through the database for quick access to the information you need. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to keep their disc collection organized.

Disc Collection 2.7 está livre para baixar na nossa biblioteca de programas. As seguintes versões são as mais frequentemente baixadas pelos usuários do programa: 2.7, 2.1 e 1.7. Disc Collection está na categoria Casa & Lazer. DiscCollection.exe é o nome de arquivo mais frequente para o instalador desse programa. Disc Collection tem como desenvolvedor ElanGroup.

Do desenvolvedor:

Disc Collection is a user-friendly application created to manage home multimedia collections. With the help of this program you can browse the contents of your collections, create notes, and view file properties. You can also fully customize the Disc Collection interface and add your CD/DVD/Blu-Ray games and movies to different groups, while simultaneously storing information about each disc.

Confira mais programas, tais como Wedding Album Maker Gold, Tag&Rename ou Song Mixer, que podem ser similares a Disc Collection.


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