Dynamic Lines
Dynamic Lines is an exciting and challenging game that offers players a variety of difficulty levels to test their skills. The game has a great visual appeal with its dynamic environment and the ability to move objects across the screen. The online score feature adds an extra layer of competition, pushing players to strive for higher scores. Overall, Dynamic Lines is an enjoyable and stimulating game that is sure to keep players engaged.
Dynamic Lines 5.0.30 estava disponível para download no site do desenvolvedor quando verificamos. Não podemos garantir que haja um download gratuito disponível. O programa está dentro de Games, na subcategoria Arcade. Dynamic Lines foi originalmente feito por Absolutist. O arquivo do instalador do programa é comumente encontrado como DynaLines.exe. A seguinte versão é a mais frequentemente baixada pelos usuários do programa: 5.0.
Do desenvolvedor:
Free Dynamic Lines is a new variant of Lines game with different skill levels. You could also order the Personal Edition with your picture included.
Main features of the game: three levels of skill: Novice, Master, Expert; suitable for kids, as well as expert players ; a new - Dynamic - variant which requires not just thinking, but doing it fast
sound effects; excellent graphics quality at any screen size; Web contest for best players.
Confira mais programas, tais como Crescendo Music Notation Editor, PE-DESIGN NEXT ou VMD, que podem ser similares a Dynamic Lines.
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