Picasa Web Albums Live Publisher
Total de downloads:729
Sistema operacional:Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11
Latest version:3.8
Picasa Web Albums Live Publisher is an excellent photo management and editing tool. It allows you to quickly organize, edit, and share your photos online. The user interface is intuitive and easy to use, and the editing tools are robust and powerful. It also integrates with other services such as Facebook and Flickr, making it easy to share your photos with friends and family. Overall, Picasa Web Albums Live Publisher is a great choice for anyone looking to manage and edit their digital photos.
Picasa Web Albums Live Publisher 3.8 pode ser baixado do nosso site de graça. As versões mais baixadas do programa são 3.8, 2.4 e 2.3.
Picasa Web Albums Live Publisher foi desenvolvido para funcionar em Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 ou Windows 11 e pode funcionar em sistemas de 32-bit. Picasa Web Albums Live Publisher foi originalmente feito por PicasaWebPublisher. Picasa Web Albums Live Publisher está dentro de Fotos & Gráficos, na subcategoria Visualizadores & Editores.
Do desenvolvedor:
Together, Picasa & Picasa Web Albums make it easy to organize, edit and share your photos. When you launch Picasa, you can immediately organize and edit the photos on your hard drive. Picasa can also help import pictures from your camera. Picasa is free photo editing software from Google that makes your pictures look great.
Sharing your best photos with friends and family is as easy as pressing a button!
Confira mais programas, tais como Ashampoo Photo Commander FREE, Live Writer Picasa Plugin ou iSpring Free, que podem ser relacionados a Picasa Web Albums Live Publisher.
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