Simpson The Beer Junkie
Total de downloads:9
Sistema operacional:Windows XP / 7 / 8
Latest version:1.0
Simpson The Beer Junkie 1.0 está livre para baixar na nossa biblioteca de programas. Simpson The Beer Junkie fica na subcategoria Arcade, que fica dentro de Games. A versão mais popular do programa é 1.0. Esse programa foi originalmente projetado por Free Online Arcade Games.
Do desenvolvedor:
Simpson The Beer Junkie free online arcade game will make you laugh like no game before.
We all know Duffs is the beer Homer loves the most. Now it is up to you to help Homer catch beer barrels falling from the sky.
When you catch one you have to take it to the trunk of Marge’s car to catch another one. But not all beer is good for Homer.
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