WoC Launcher
Total de downloads:1
Latest version:1.1
WoC Launcher 1.1 está livre para baixar na nossa biblioteca de programas. O desenvolvedor do WoC Launcher é Satan 2010. WoC Launcher está dentro de Games, na subcategoria Utilitários. As seguintes versões são as mais frequentemente baixadas pelos usuários do programa: 1.1 e 0.2.
Do desenvolvedor:
Satan's WoC Server Launcher is the simplest and most reliable way to connect to the WoC Server realms. Simply select the realm you want to play, select your WoW.exe file and you are done.
The launcher will further allow you to vote, access the forums and WoC website with the click of a button. Added to this the ability to clear your cache with a simple button push, Satan's WoC Server Launcher is a must have.
Confira mais programas, tais como BlueStacks, Garena Plus ou Battle.net, que podem ser relacionados a WoC Launcher.
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