
fev. 08, 2024
3.0 em 93 votos
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Windows XP/7/8/11
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4-in-a-Row is an entertaining and challenging puzzle game that will test your skills and keep you coming back for more. The game is easy to learn and the levels get progressively harder, so you’ll always have something new to tackle. The graphics are simple but effective, and the gameplay is fast-paced and engaging. Highly recommended for puzzle fans!

4-in-a-Row 2.3.1 estava disponível para download no site do desenvolvedor quando verificamos. Não podemos garantir que haja um download gratuito disponível. É recomendável verificar os arquivos baixados com qualquer antivírus gratuito, pois não podemos garantir que sejam seguros.

4-in-a-Row tem como desenvolvedor Silhouette. 4-in-a-Row.exe é o nome de arquivo mais conhecido para o instalador desse programa. 4-in-a-Row está dentro de Games, na subcategoria Quebra-Cabeça. As versões mais populares do programa são 2.3, 2.0 e 1.2.

Do desenvolvedor:

4-in-to-Row it is an ideal game for when you need a break while in the office or at home and during an intensive session of work on the PC.
The objective is to place four of your pieces in a row either horizontally, vertically or diagonally
before your opponent can. There are 3 different levels of difficulty to choose from.
An enjoyable diversion

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