Antivirus Tank

jul. 05, 2023
3.0 em 2 votos
Valentine Verchenko
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Sistema operacional:
Windows XP/7/8/10/11
Latest version:


This game is a great way to have fun while learning about computer security. The graphics are nice and the controls are easy to use. The levels get progressively harder and the enemies become more dangerous. It's a great game for both experienced and novice gamers. The challenge of trying to defend your computer from malicious attacks is very satisfying. Highly recommended!

Antivirus Tank 1.5.0 está disponível como um download gratuito na nossa biblioteca de programas. O desenvolvedor do Antivirus Tank é Valentine Verchenko. O arquivo do instalador do programa é conhecido como AntivirusTank.exe. As seguintes versões são as mais frequentemente baixadas pelos usuários do programa: 1.5, 1.1 e 1.0. O programa está dentro da categoria Games.

Do desenvolvedor:

The tank fighting against viruses on the transparent screen. The viruses are created of your screen. An icons, a labels, a words and other things turn into a live spiders. The viruses jump on your tanks and begin to build the spider web. The virus drag your tank and fasten it to a skull on the post. The aim of the game is to kill a verus boss. The larger number of the viruses you have killed the easier you will hit and kill the boss.

Confira mais programas, tais como AVG, AVG Free ou 360 Total Security, que podem ser similares a Antivirus Tank.

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