Digital Guitar Tuner

mai. 26, 2023
2.9 em 11 votos
MultimídiaProdução de Música
Peter Bezemek
Total de downloads:
Sistema operacional:
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Latest version:


This Digital Guitar Tuner is a great tool for guitarists of all levels. It offers a wide variety of tunings, including standard, lowered, dropped, open tunings, Hawaiian, and more. The direct input and Midi tones and microphone make tuning your instrument a breeze. The ability to adjust the root frequency, noise level, and configure the Midi output device and instrument is also a great feature. Overall, this is an excellent tool for any guitarist.

Digital Guitar Tuner 2.30 está livre para baixar na nossa biblioteca de programas. O pacote de instalação mais atual disponível para download ocupa 754 KB no disco. Esse programa tem como desenvolvedor Peter Bezemek. Nosso antivírus conferiu esse download e o avaliou como livre de vírus. Digital Guitar Tuner está dentro da categoria Multimídia.

Do desenvolvedor:

Digital Guitar Tuner is a free Windows software, which let's you accurately tune your guitar using direct input, microphone or MIDI tones. Now a new version 2.3 is available for downloading. Now it features 27 tuning types!


* High accuracy (uses 16 bit / 44100 Hz input!)
* You can tune guitars with no signal output (through microphone)
* 27 different tuning types (standard, lowered, dropped, open tunings, Hawaiian etc.

Confira mais programas, tais como TSE X50 DEMO, que podem ser relacionados a Digital Guitar Tuner.

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