EMS MySQL Manager Lite

dez. 20, 2023
3.6 em 5 votos
Ferramentas de DesenvolvimentoFerramentas de Banco de dados
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Sistema operacional:
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Latest version:


I recently tried the EMS MySQL Manager Lite and found it to be an incredibly helpful tool for managing my databases. It is incredibly user-friendly and intuitive, and I was able to quickly create and modify my databases with ease. I was also impressed with the ability to control and enable (or disable) features such as views, stored procedures, and functions. The InnoDB foreign key mappings were also extremely useful, and I was able to quickly access and edit them. Finally, the ability to import and export entire databases was a huge plus. Overall, I highly recommend the EMS MySQL Manager Lite for anyone looking for an easy to use and powerful database management tool.

Você pode baixar EMS MySQL Manager Lite da nossa biblioteca de programas de graça. A versão mais recente do EMS MySQL Manager Lite pode ser baixada para computadores executando Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 de 32-bit. Esse programa foi originalmente projetado por EMS-HiTech.

O último pacote de instalação que pode ser baixado tem 76.8 MB. As seguintes versões são as mais frequentemente baixadas pelos usuários do programa: 5.1, 3.4 e 3.3. O software está na categoria Ferramentas de Desenvolvimento. Os arquivos do instalador do programa são comumente encontrados como MyManager.exe ou MySQLSystemTrayMonitor.exe. Nosso antivírus conferiu esse download e o avaliou como 100% seguro.

Do desenvolvedor:

EMS SQL Manager Lite for MySQL is an excellent freeware graphical tool for MySQL Server administration. MySQL Manager works with any MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5 and supports all of the latest MySQL features including views, stored procedures and functions, InnoDB foreign keys and so on. It has minimal required set of instruments for those users who are new to MySQL server and need only its basic functionality.

Confira mais programas, tais como EMS SQL Manager 2007 Lite for Oracle ou EMS SQL Manager 2005 for MySQL, que podem ser similares a EMS MySQL Manager Lite.

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