Easy File Sharing FTP Server is an excellent tool for managing FTP access on your system. It provides a comprehensive set of features for setting up and managing an FTP server, including setting access parameters, restrictions, and storage conditions. It also provides an easy-to-use interface for issuing and checking basic and advanced FTP commands, making virtual folders, user groups, online status variations, and more. The program is easy to use and provides a great way to manage an FTP server. Highly recommended.
Easy File Sharing FTP Server 3.6 estava disponível para download no site do desenvolvedor quando verificamos. Não podemos garantir que haja um download gratuito disponível. O instalador do Easy File Sharing FTP Server é chamado geralmente de fsfs.exe.
O desenvolvedor do programa é EFS Software, Inc. Easy File Sharing FTP Server é adequado para as versões 32-bit do Windows XP/XP Professional/7/8/10/11. As versões mais populares do programa são 3.6, 3.5 e 3.2. É recomendável verificar os arquivos baixados com qualquer antivírus gratuito, pois não podemos garantir que sejam seguros. Easy File Sharing FTP Server está relacionado como Internet & Rede.
Do desenvolvedor:
Easy File Sharing FTP Server is a simple and powerful FTP server. The server supports all basic FTP commands and much more, such as Virtual folders, Groups, Online users.
In addition, the FTP Server offers connection limit, timeout, and download/upload speed limitation.
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