Light! for Adobe Photoshop

jun. 12, 2023
5.0 em 1 voto
Fotos & GráficosConversores
Digital Film Tools, LLC.
Shareware $50
Total de downloads:
Sistema operacional:
Windows 8/10/11
Latest version:


Light! for Adobe Photoshop is a great tool for adding lighting effects to RGB images. It integrates seamlessly with the main Photoshop client, allowing users to easily place light sources onto their pictures. The app also provides users with a range of controls for adjusting the intensity, direction, tone, and shade of the lighting, as well as the ability to blend multiple sources together. Overall, Light! for Adobe Photoshop is a great way to add some extra flair to your images.

Você pode baixar Light! for Adobe Photoshop 11.0 da nossa biblioteca de programas de graça. Esse programa tem como desenvolvedor Digital Film Tools, LLC. A versão mais popular do programa é 3.5.

O programa fica na subcategoria Conversores, que fica dentro de Fotos & Gráficos. Light! for Adobe Photoshop foi desenvolvido para funcionar em Windows 8, Windows 10 ou Windows 11 e pode ser executado em sistemas de 32-bit. ImageReady.exe, Light-Photoshop-v3.5.7.exe, Photoshop.exe e unvise32.exe são os nomes de arquivo mais conhecidos para o instalador desse programa.

Do desenvolvedor:

Light can be added to a scene where none existed before just as if you were adding light at the time of shooting. Realistic lighting and shadow is introduced using the entire pattern/ gobo library. Normally used in front of lights during photography, these same exact patterns can now be applied digitally to the entire image or inside a selection.

Confira mais programas, tais como MAINLINE, Enlarger ou Converty, que podem ser similares a Light! for Adobe Photoshop.

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