A jeep racing game with unique off-road mechanics
dez. 25, 2023
3.9 em 7 votos
The Easy Company, s.r.o
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Sistema operacional:
Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11
Latest version:


Drive a Jeep across the track and win races on difficult terrain. Use realistic mechanics to deal with obstacles, uneven sections of the track, etc. Avoid flashy arcade maneuvers and utilize caution and planning to stay up and finish with your car intact.

Você pode baixar MOTORM4X 1.0.821.1 da nossa biblioteca de programas de graça. Esse programa tem como desenvolvedor The Easy Company, s.r.o. As seguintes versões são as mais frequentemente baixadas pelos usuários do programa: 1.9 e 1.0.

MOTORM4X foi desenvolvido para funcionar em Windows XP, Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 ou Windows 11 e pode ser executado em sistemas de 32-bit. MotorM4X.exe, MotorM4X_Unlocked.exe, protect.exe e Setup_English.exe são os nomes de arquivo mais conhecidos para o instalador desse programa. MOTORM4X está dentro de Games, na subcategoria Ação.

Do desenvolvedor:

MOTORM4X is a game with a different concept, and the big thing about it is that it does not look and work just like an ordinary racing game. This game is about you and your car, it is about driving. Driving just where and when you want. The structure of racing events is partially non-linear, and although there are still some „line making events“, the overall feeling of it is that you have a complete freedom of choice.

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