Now Playing: A Windows Media Player Plugin

jul. 11, 2023
3.4 em 9 votos
Brandon Fuller
Shareware $15
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This Now Playing plugin is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to enhance the functionality of Windows Media Player. With the ability to export an XML file with information about a selected song or entire playlist, you can easily store the exported data on an FTP/SFTP server, on Twitter, Facebook, or other websites. Additionally, you can ping a server using an HTTP POST request when the song changes. This plugin is an excellent way to make the most out of Windows Media Player.

Você pode baixar Now Playing: A Windows Media Player Plugin da nossa biblioteca de programas de graça. O desenvolvedor do programa é Brandon Fuller. Now Playing: A Windows Media Player Plugin está na categoria Multimídia. Now Playing: A Windows Media Player Plugin pode ser chamado de "Now Playing A Windows Media Player Plugin". As seguintes versões são as mais frequentemente baixadas pelos usuários do programa: 3.9, 3.8 e 3.7.

Do desenvolvedor:

The Now Playing plugin monitors the song you are listening to and publishes the data in various ways:
- Create a ping with the song information.
- Post information on Facebook and Twitter
- The plugin also offers you the ability to FTP/SFTP that file to a server of your choosing after its updated.

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