OST File Repair Tool

mai. 21, 2023
Utilitários de SistemaGerenciamento de HDD
Cigati Solutions
Shareware $49
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This OST File Repair Tool is a great tool for recovering data from corrupted or incomplete OST containers. The tool runs diagnostics to detect errors in the mailing client, and then allows you to select the identified items and run restoration operations to recreate a file copy or transfer the remaining data to your drives. The tool is easy to use and provides a reliable way to recover lost data. Highly recommended.

OST File Repair Tool 19.0 está disponível como um download gratuito na nossa biblioteca de programas. O tamanho do arquivo do último pacote de instalação disponível para download é de 2.5 MB. Nosso antivírus conferiu esse download e o avaliou como 100% seguro. O software está relacionado como Utilitários de Sistema. A versão mais popular do programa é 19.0. O desenvolvedor do programa é Cigati Solutions.

Do desenvolvedor:

OST File Repair tool is an outstanding software to repair the unreadable or corrupted OST file. This software allows users to previews the emails after scanning the OST file before saving. It allows saving the recovered emails into PST, EML, MSG, MBOX, and DBX file format without any data loss. OST File Recovery software compatible all versions of Windows, therefore smoothly runs with Windows 10, 8, 7, and below Windows OS.

Confira mais programas, tais como Fit File Repair Tool, Inbox Repair Tool for OST ou Cigati BKF File Repair Tool, que podem ser relacionados a OST File Repair Tool.

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