
set. 05, 2023
3.4 em 23 votos
Ferramentas de EscritórioMarcação de tempo
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Sistema operacional:
Windows Vista/7/10/11
Latest version:


The Pomodoro time management technique is a great way to boost productivity and focus. The Pomodoro app makes it easy to use this technique with its ticking sound, popup notifications, and audio alerts. The ability to hide the time counter in the system tray is also a great feature. I highly recommend this app for anyone who wants to get more done in less time.

Você pode baixar Pomodoro 1.0.25 da nossa biblioteca de programas de graça. O instalador do programa é chamado geralmente de Pomodoro.exe, Pomorodo.exe, _2335EC4CA56876A1D35FDE.exe ou _ADFB1B7FF712464A3EA943.exe. A versão mais baixada do programa é 1.0. O desenvolvedor do Pomodoro é MillSquareSoftware. Pomodoro está na categoria Ferramentas de Escritório.

Do desenvolvedor:

The Pomodoro technique helps you focus your attention on tasks in short intense bursts. It is a surprisingly effective way of helping you to clear your daily task list and to become more efficient in your daily work. While the technique can be simply used with paper and a pen, this software implementation is more useful for office or computer-based work. This program doesn't get in your way and has a tiny screen footprint.

Confira mais programas, tais como KeepFocused ou pomodairo, que podem ser relacionados a Pomodoro.

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