Pro-Sounds PS-1

out. 26, 2023
3.0 em 2 votos
MultimídiaEditores & Conversores
Shareware $69.95
Total de downloads:
Sistema operacional:
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Latest version:


The Pro-Sounds PS-1 is an amazing piece of hardware for any digital audio workstation. It's great for adding a unique touch to any project. With all the features it offers, it's easy to get creative and explore different soundscapes. The four multi-functional oscillators, two low-frequency oscillators, mixer, 2 resonant multimode filters, and two ADSR envelope generators make it easy to create unique sounds. The ability to import WAV files with over 70 waveforms is also a great bonus. Overall, the Pro-Sounds PS-1 is an excellent piece of hardware for any digital audio workstation.

Você pode baixar Pro-Sounds PS-1 1.2 da nossa biblioteca de programas de graça. Esse software tem como desenvolvedor Pro-Sounds. Pro-Sounds PS-1 está dentro de Multimídia, na subcategoria Editores & Conversores.

As seguintes versões são as mais frequentemente baixadas pelos usuários do programa: 1.3 e 1.2. Esse programa para PC é adequado para as versões 32-bit do Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11. O instalador do programa é chamado geralmente de ps-1_full.exe.

Do desenvolvedor:

The award winning PS-1 Performance Synthesizer is the result of an exciting collaboration between ProSounds and DASH Signature and has been designed with the advanced sound designer and electronic musician in mind, incorporating a large number of high-end features while still maintaining ease of use with its intuitive user interface.

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