Race to market

jan. 05, 2024
Economics Web Institute
Total de downloads:
Sistema operacional:
Windows Vista/7/10/11
Latest version:


Race to Market is an engaging and educational game that puts you in the shoes of a manager. It's a great way to learn about the different aspects of industrial production and the challenges of introducing products to the market. The game allows you to explore different strategies and see the results of your decisions. It's an entertaining and educational experience that will give you a better understanding of the production cycle.

Race to market 1.4 pode ser baixado do nosso site de graça. O instalador mais atual disponível para download tem 2.3 MB. Esse programa foi originalmente desenvolvido por Economics Web Institute.

As seguintes versões são as mais frequentemente baixadas pelos usuários do programa: 1.4 e 1.0. Race to market está relacionado como Negócios. O arquivo do instalador do programa é conhecido como race.exe. Seu download foi escaneado por nosso antivírus e foi avaliado como livre de vírus.

Do desenvolvedor:

Race to market is useful for managers, researchers and students, this business game is a powerful tool for understanding product life cycles, consumers' attitudes, innovation management strategies, competitive intelligent tactics, by personally playing or by observing how artificial agents perform.

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