Rocket Pack for Pocket Tanks Deluxe

jul. 28, 2023
4.4 em 25 votos
BlitWise Productions, LLC
Total de downloads:
Sistema operacional:
Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Latest version:


Rocket Pack for Pocket Tanks Deluxe is a great way to enhance the gaming experience of Pocket Tanks Deluxe. It provides a wide range of new weapons with unique attack modes and effects. From the rocket launcher that sends tanks flying into the air to the homing missiles and water gins, this pack adds a lot of variety to the game. The bomb teleporters also make for some interesting strategy options. All in all, this is a great addition to Pocket Tanks Deluxe and is sure to keep players entertained for hours.

Você pode baixar Rocket Pack for Pocket Tanks Deluxe 1.0 da nossa biblioteca de programas de graça. Nosso antivírus conferiu esse download e o avaliou como 100% seguro. A seguinte versão é a mais frequentemente baixada pelos usuários do programa: 1.0.

Pockettanks.exe, ptloader.exe, unins006.exe, unins007.exe e unins016.exe são os nomes de arquivo mais conhecidos para o instalador desse programa. O software está dentro da categoria Games. O desenvolvedor do programa é BlitWise Productions, LLC. A versão mais recente do Rocket Pack for Pocket Tanks Deluxe pode ser instalada em computadores executando Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 de 32-bit.

Do desenvolvedor:

Rocket Pack for Pocket Tanks Deluxe: The Rocket Pack - 5 weapons:

Pop Rocket - Underground rocket that launches awesome tanks into the air;
Sky Strike - Tank becomes flying target practice for homing missiles;
Power Washer - Powerful stream of water targets your opponent;
Cheap Shot - Teleports a bomb directly on top of the other tank;
Blackout - Neigh invisible bullet that shrouds area with darkness.

Confira mais programas, tais como Gold Pack for Pocket Tanks Deluxe ou Chaos Pack for Pocket Tanks Deluxe, que podem ser relacionados a Rocket Pack for Pocket Tanks Deluxe.

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