RocketReader is a great tool for anyone looking to improve their reading speed and comprehension. The exercises are designed to help you develop specific reading mechanisms in your mind, and the real-time progress monitoring feature is especially helpful in keeping you motivated and tracking your progress. The suite also offers a variety of tests to switch between, so you can challenge yourself and stay engaged. Highly recommended!
RocketReader 8.21 estava disponível para download no site do desenvolvedor quando verificamos. Não podemos garantir que haja um download gratuito disponível. RocketReader está dentro de Educação, na subcategoria Ferramentas de Ensino.
As versões mais populares do programa são 8.2 e 8.0. Esse software para PC trabalha bem com as versões 32-bit do Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11. O instalador do programa é chamado geralmente de rocket.exe ou RocketReader.exe. O desenvolvedor do programa é RocketReader.
Do desenvolvedor:
Do you feel that your reading is holding you back? Today, we must read more than ever before just to keep up with the latest advances. If we want to get ahead, we need to read much faster than average. It?s simple - those who can read quickly and accurately learn more and excel in their career or studies.
RocketReader is an amazing program that boosts your reading speed by effectively breaking what is termed the "sub-vocalization barrier".
Confira mais programas, tais como RocketReader Vocab ou AceReader Pro, que podem ser relacionados a RocketReader.