SPORE Creature Creator

set. 19, 2023
3.8 em 116 votos
Fotos & GráficosVisualizadores & Editores
Maxis, a division of Electronic Arts Inc.
Total de downloads:
Sistema operacional:
Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11
Latest version:


I recently downloaded the SPORE Creature Creator and I'm really impressed. It's a great tool for creating unique and interesting creatures for the main game. The editor is incredibly detailed and allows you to customize every aspect of your creature, from the size and shape of its limbs to the color of its eyes and skin. You can also test the integrity and movability of the creatures you create, which is really helpful. Overall, I'm very pleased with the SPORE Creature Creator and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to create unique creatures for their SPORE game.

SPORE Creature Creator estava disponível para download no site do desenvolvedor quando verificamos. Não podemos garantir que haja um download gratuito disponível.

SPORE Creature Creator pode ser chamado de "SPORE Creature Creator Trial Edition", "SPORE Creature Creator Demo", "SPORE Creature Creator Demo Versie". É recomendável verificar os arquivos baixados com qualquer antivírus gratuito, pois não podemos garantir que sejam seguros.

A versão mais recente do software pode ser executada em computadores executando Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 de 32-bit. Esse programa tem como desenvolvedor Maxis, a division of Electronic Arts Inc. As versões mais populares do programa são 1.1 e 1.0. O software está dentro da categoria Fotos & Gráficos. Launcher.exe, onplay.exe, Spore.exe, SporeCCLaunch-WT.exe e SporeCCLaunch.exe são os nomes de arquivo mais conhecidos para o instalador desse programa.

Do desenvolvedor:

Create your own unique creatures and watch them come to life, then share them with the world.

Main features:
- Build using 228 drag-and-drop, flexible parts - is it fashion, function, or fashunction.
- Paint with unique patterns, make your creature stand out in a crowd.
- Play with your creature as it comes to life with dances, poses, and emotions.
- Share using built-in snapshot and video tools - make your creature a star.

Confira mais programas, tais como Spore: Galactic Adventures, SPORE ou Creature Creator, que podem ser similares a SPORE Creature Creator.

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