Shadow Analyzer is a great tool for anyone looking to install photovoltaic panels and maximize energy efficiency. It simplifies the installation process by providing an assistant utility for analyzing and configuring the setup of your devices. The shading analysis and sun-tracking for static setups are very helpful, and the real-time monitoring of data is a great bonus. Highly recommended!
Shadow Analyzer está livre para baixar na nossa biblioteca de programas. Esse programa tem como desenvolvedor Dr. Baum Research e.K. As versões mais baixadas do programa são 2.2 e 2.1. O arquivo do instalador do programa é comumente encontrado como Shadow_Analyzer.exe. O software está dentro de Fotos & Gráficos, na subcategoria Design 3D.
Do desenvolvedor:
To decide which the product Shadow Calculator or Shadow Analyzer corresponds to your needs, remember that Shadow Calculator works with static PV-systems like plane panels of PV-modules on a roof or rows of inclined PV-modules on the ground, while Shadow Analyzer analyses also the sun-tracking PV-systems with panels of PV-modules installed on 1-axis and 2-axes trackers.
Confira mais programas, tais como Image Analyzer, que podem ser relacionados a Shadow Analyzer.