Simple Disk Analyzer

jun. 04, 2024
4.1 em 96 votos
Utilitários de SistemaGerenciadores de Arquivos
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This is a great tool for keeping track of the free and occupied space in your system. It allows you to quickly check the integrity, stability, and status of various items, and to view the structure and connections between components. The ability to select a folder on your file system and analyze all files and sub-folders it contains is a great feature. Highly recommended!

Você pode baixar Simple Disk Analyzer 1.0.2513 da nossa biblioteca de programas de graça. Simple Disk Analyzer fica na subcategoria Gerenciadores de Arquivos, que fica dentro de Utilitários de Sistema. A versão mais popular do programa é 1.0. DiskAnalyzer.exe é o nome de arquivo mais conhecido para o instalador desse programa. Esse software tem como desenvolvedor

Do desenvolvedor:

Simple Disk Analyzer v1.0 is a windows disk management utility. It will allow you to select a folder on your file system and will analyze all files and sub-folders it contains. The analysis will display the folders in a tree structure showing total folder size, percentage of disk space used, and a graphical meter to quickly spot the largest files and folders on your system.

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