Spectrum Graphics Editor

ago. 23, 2023
Fotos & GráficosVisualizadores & Editores
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Sistema operacional:
Windows XP/Vista/7
Latest version:


Spectrum Graphics Editor is a great tool for anyone working on PC or Amiga-based projects. It makes it easy to view, manipulate, and edit graphical content. The Speccy snapshot file support is particularly useful, allowing users to quickly access and edit specific elements. The range of editing, copying, and browsing tools makes it easy to create animations and transfer data between platforms. Overall, Spectrum Graphics Editor is a great tool for anyone working with graphical content.

Spectrum Graphics Editor 2.00 está livre para baixar na nossa biblioteca de programas. O software está relacionado como Fotos & Gráficos. Seu download foi escaneado por nosso antivírus e foi avaliado como seguro. Sge.exe é o nome de arquivo mais conhecido para o instalador desse programa. As seguintes versões são as mais frequentemente baixadas pelos usuários do programa: 2.0 e 1.0. Esse software tem como desenvolvedor Retrospec.

Do desenvolvedor:

SGE is a PC/Amiga based utility for manipulating the graphics within Speccy snapshot files. It allows you do all manner of tasks including viewing, editing, copying, exporting and animating. It comes in three different flavours so zoom over to the download page and see what's available. The Amiga version has become available thanks to the talents of Chris Young who kindly offerend to port over the original DOS version.

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