Winmail Reader is a great tool for quickly and easily accessing and managing files from Winmail.dat attachments. It's very easy to use and the automated detection of compatible clients makes it a breeze to use. The ability to scan the content of profile folders for all files and messages is also very helpful. The feature to select the items you need and open or extract them for further management is also very useful. Overall, Winmail Reader is an excellent tool for managing Winmail.dat attachments.
Winmail Reader 1.2.15 pode ser baixado do nosso site de graça. Esse programa tem como desenvolvedor Kopf. O instalador do Winmail Reader é chamado geralmente de WinmailReader.exe ou VSW6393_CD03D4F6.exe. Esse software gratuito pode lidar com a seguinte extensão: ".dat".
As versões mais populares do programa são 1.2 e 1.1. Nosso antivírus examinou esse download e o avaliou como livre de vírus. O programa fica na subcategoria Ferramentas de E-mail, que fica dentro de Comunicação. O instalador mais recente disponível para download ocupa 687 KB no disco. Esse software para PC pode ser instalado nas versões 32-bit do Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11.
Do desenvolvedor:
Read, view, open, convert and save files on winmail.dat email attachments. Easy-to-use. Graphic interface (no command-line tool). And FREE! Winmail.dat Reader is a freeware application developed in Delphi 2006 and then compiled in Delphi 6. For the moment, it uses the following open source components:
» System Requirements
The application should run in any Windows 32-bit operational system.
Confira mais programas, tais como DAT Reader, Message Viewer Lite ou Pst Viewer Lite, que podem ser similares a Winmail Reader.