• Windows
  • Resultados da pesquisa em software: deep sky planner

4 resultados em software para ″deep sky planner″

Deep-Sky Planner

Deep-Sky Planner


Deep-Sky Planner is an astronomy application that provides the powerful...

Deep-Sky Planner is an...



65 votos

AstroPlanner is a stand-­alone application that allows the user to plan and...

...be both deep sky and solar...

Exposure Planner

Exposure Planner


Exposure Planner is a plug-in for MaxIm DL that allows you to inspect an area...

Exposure Planner is a plug ...If the sky brightness seems ...the "Set Sky" button. Choose...

StarPilot PC

StarPilot PC


StarPilot is the premier celestial navigation program, and its piloting...

...include a SIGHT PLANNER that plots ...the full sky in a radar ...for that sky. Once sights...

Resultados 1-4 de 4

Resultados da pesquisa em tutoriais

Resultados 1-2 de 2
How to fix DLL Not Found errors

...Enable the "Deep Scan" option...

How to plan your home on PC

...3D, Planner 5D, and...